Officially out now: The TypeDB 3.0 Roadmap

Documentation overview

Welcome to the TypeDB, TypeQL and TypeDB Clients technical documentation.

TypeDB & TypeQL are in the process of being rewritten in Rust. There will be significant refinement to the language, and minor breaks in backwards compatibility. Learn more about the changes from our 3.0 Roadmap. The biggest change to TypeDB 3.0 will be our storage data structure and architecture that significantly boosts performance. We’re aiming to release 3.0 in the summer this year, along with preliminary benchmarks of TypeDB.

Getting started

If you are new to TypeDB, the following pages will help you get started.

Setup and run TypeDB environment and tools.

Connect to TypeDB and create a simple database.

Learn about the basics of TypeDB.

Learning course

An end-to-end learning experience for TypeDB and TypeQL. Through the lens of a sample bookstore database, you’ll learn how to read data, write data, and build schemas while taking advantage of TypeDB’s unique features as the polymorphic database.

Introduction to the unique features that sets TypeDB apart from other databases and the design philosophy behind them.

Easy guide to setting up and using the sample environment needed to run the queries featured in examples and exercises.

Learn how to read data from TypeDB, including declarative polymorphic querying, rule inference, and retrieving types from the schema.

Learn how to write data to TypeDB, covering insert, delete, and update operations, including polymorphic data writes.

Learn how to define schemas for TypeDB, including type hierarchies, interfaces between types, value constraints, and inference rules.

Learn how to build applications on TypeDB, covering database management, transaction control, and result stream processing.

Learn how to build query patterns utilising advanced elements of TypeQL syntax, and how queries are resolved by TypeDB.

Learn how to structure query results in the optimal manner, covering result grouping, aggregations, sorting, and pagination.

Learn how to design schemas for TypeDB using the conceptual PERA model, including common design patterns and pitfalls.

Learn how to use rule inference to abstract complex patterns into simple forms, and capture complex logic with combinations of rules.

Learn how to use retrieve data instances and schema types from the database as stateful objects and perform operations on them.

Learn how to eliminate mismatch with applications by using the type-theoretic framework of the PERA model for schema design.

TypeDB manual

TypeDB manual consists of practice-oriented guides for configuring environment and developing with TypeDB.

TypeDB Studio manual: prepare for work, query, control transactions, use Type Editor, Type Browser, and Graph Visualization.

TypeDB Console manual: how to connect to TypeDB, use interactive and non-interactive modes, and scripting.

Connecting to TypeDB Core and Cloud with Studio, Console, and drivers: network connection, database management, opening sessions and transaction.

Defining a database schema with Define and Define queries, as well as modifying schema using driver APIs and Studio.

Writing data to a TypeDB database with Insert, Delete, and Update queries.

Reading data from a TypeDB database with Get and Fetch queries. Using rule-based inference.

Use driver API and its classes to manipulate stateful objects of database’s types, rules, and data.

TypeDB server configuration and maintaining: config file, CLI arguments, logs, DB export and import, upgrading versions, user management.

TypeDB drivers

Client-side libraries with native API to connect to TypeDB.
See the TypeDB Drivers page or select an environment below:


Add via cargo to use the Rust driver API.

Install via pip to use the Python driver API.

Install via NPM to use the Node.js driver API.


Add to a Maven project to use the Java driver API.


Install via NuGet to use the C# driver API.


Import as a library with a header file to use the C++ driver API.


Import as a library with a header file to use the C driver API.

TypeQL reference

TypeQL is a modern, beautiful and elegant type-theoretic query language, supporting polymorphic queries.

A high-level description of TypeQL query language and its features.

TypeQL queries to define schema and manipulate data.

TypeQL patterns used in queries.

TypeQL statements used in patterns.

TypeQL modifiers used with queries.

TypeQL concepts stored in a database.

Values and value variables used in TypeQL.

TypeQL keywords and terminology glossary.

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